Stop spending money on leads that aren't bringing you business.

CallSource has been recovering 25% of MONTHLY advertising expenses for our clients.

We Dispute Your Invalid Leads and Get Your Money Back

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Only pay for qualified leads without having to listen to your calls to verify.

Having your calls analyzed and leads validated for you saves you the time you could be spending to make money.

Save money without sacrificing the time it takes to dispute an invalid lead.

Following all the steps required to dispute non-qualified Google leads takes time you don’t have to spend.

Ensure the dollars you spend on advertising are making your business money.

Optimize your marketing dollars by making sure you are only paying for ads that bring you business.

Why Do Owners Prefer Our Google LSA Management Service?

As soon as CallSource is granted access to your Google Ads account, we begin analyzing your calls and disputing non-qualified leads immediately. You’ll save money on calls that are invalid leads without wasting any time having to dispute them yourself.

Don’t waste your marketing budget.

Save your valuable ad dollars for marketing that is revenue-producing. We dispute leads that should not be charged based on your profile setup (services you provide).

Get Started Today

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Don’t throw away valuable hours in your day.

Work smarter, not harder. Save money on the invalid leads we dispute without being taken away from running your business. Our lead management service is currently seeing a 97% average dispute approval rate.

Get Started Today

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Only pay for results.

Paying for calls that weren’t valid leads for your business is wasteful! Spend money only where it counts. We listen to your calls and if any are booked we mark them as booked so that Google knows you received a quality lead and can optimize your campaigns.

Get Started Today

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How to get the most value out of our Lead Management Service:

  • Our approval rates average over 97%!
  • Recover ~25% of your monthly ad spend.
  • Disputing begins immediately after CallSource is granted access to your Google Ads account.
  • We manage the verification of calls that are booked and calls that are invalid for you.
  • The keywords found in your Google business profile, under the services you provide, are the same that Google uses to match customers to your ads.
  • Simple upgrade from our DealSaver or CRM Data validation services.

Get Started with Lead Management

What Else Does CallSource Offer?

Call Scoring & Coaching by CallSource

Scoring & Coaching
CallSource scores your calls so you know how your call handlers are performing over the phone and where improvement is needed. Using your call analytics, we provide your call handlers with individualized coaching sessions so they have the tools to book more appointments.

RespondNow by CallSource

Personalized review responses by real people. Show customers you care, increase your SEO, and attract more customers.

CRM Data Validation by CallSource

CRM Data Validation
CallSource ensures your CRM data is error-free by listening to your calls and updating incorrect call data. Accurately measure agent performance, easily challenge paid lead campaigns, recapture missed opportunities, and make informed business decisions.

RecordNow by CallSource

An easy-to-use application to record and analyze every interaction your team has with customers.
Know how your team is performing when you aren’t there and pinpoint where your team needs training.